What I've been up to.

Wow. It's been a long time since I've added any content to this site and figured it's high time to post an update on what I've been up to for the past year and a half, but that seems like a lot so I'll concentrate on 2022 up to now. 

2022 was a busy year for me musically and life wise in general. Quit my day job, well it was a night job, it wasn't a bad job but it was crushing my soul. Much thanks to my partner Evonne for making it possible for me to get out of the warehouse grind and start pursuing my life's passions full time! Beside having more time to work on my music I've filled my days with mountain biking, paddle boarding, fishing, golfing, and just had an amazing winter of skiing powder. 

Musically 2022 was filled with more gigs than I've done in previous years. I played several dates solo, with the Dire Dirt Band, and as the duo Dire Dirt with Steve Stewart accompanying me on mandolin. The gigs included shows at Ice Haus, Kamikazes, The Powder Keg, Saddlebag Saloon, Ivins Heritage Days, Concert in the Park, McPhail House Concerts and NoHo House concerts. 

So far 2023 has been a bit slower and I haven't booked many shows. Played a solo set at Peddlers Cafe in February and have a few outdoor concerts scheduled for May, including Concert in the Park in Ivins Utah for the second straight year. 

I guess my biggest news is that I'm finally in the process of recording my first album of all original songs! Pete Haws, who has been playing bass in The Dire Dirt Band has a home recording studio and is editing and adding guitar and other instrumental tracks to the live tracks we laid down with our drummer John Knupp back in December.  We expect to have this project ready for release later this year. 

Even though we are three months into 2023, I'm resolving to be better at keeping this blog updated!

Breathe in the Moment!



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